Christmas Tree Project of Bend

Your Home will *Sparkle* this Holiday Season!
Our Idea
The inspiration for the Christmas Tree Project of Bend came from wanting to help those with ALS, (Lou Gehrig's Disease), and others with physical disabilities who may have challenges decorating their homes for the Holidays.

Then It Grew...
In no time, the idea expanded to helping those who may just not have the means to buy and decorate a Christmas Tree for their families.
And Grew...
As we researched the idea, we learned that a family in Colorado Springs, CO, began The Christmas Tree Project, (, in 2010 with great success. With their guidance, the Christmas Tree Project of Bend was born. Thank you Michelle and David Fein for all you do!

​What We Do
We provide FREE Decorated Christmas Trees to those in need.
We believe that in the spirit of the Holiday Season... Everyone
should be able to enjoy the *Sparkle* that comes from a Christmas Tree with its holiday lights and decorations.
We serve those in Bend, Oregon and the surrounding communities.
This Project is only made possible with your Help. Please contact us to get involved.
Thank You and Happy Holidays!