Christmas Tree Project of Bend

Hello~ My name is Lindsay
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to learn about the Christmas Tree Project of Bend. It is our hope that as you learn about this local project, you will feel our passion for its success. I'll share a little about how this project came to be.
I have been blessed with two amazing and successful, adult sons and two beautiful granchildren and have enjoyed a 30 year marriage to my husband, Domenic; the most wonderful and dedicated husband and father I could have ever imagined.
As many of you can relate, life has a way of propelling us in directions we aren't prepared for and certainly don't welcome into our lives. Unfortunately for us, life suddenly would never be the same. My husband, Domenic was diagnosed with ALS, (Lou Gehrig's Disease), and after a four year battle against it, the disease took him from us in February, 2013.

I had been my husband's caregiver and learned quickly that as much as we wanted to keep the many traditions our family had lovingly created through the years, we could not.
My husband was too sick to carry on the customs that he and I always looked forward to and cherished most, especially during the Holiday Season. I was far too distracted and overwhelmed to consider putting up a Christmas Tree and decorate for this special time of year. As each year passed, it all just felt so unimportant in the scheme of things. Without the 'sparkle' of a Christmas tree, the Holidays felt like any other period during the year.
As I now reflect back on those last weeks of each year, I realize that we truly missed out on some precious Holiday memories with my husband before his passing and something else so important.... The Spirit of Holiday Season! It would have made a big difference if a Christmas Tree Project had been available to us.
It is my honor to be a part of the Christmas Tree Project of Bend. Together we will offer beautifully decorated Christmas Trees to those with physical limitation and families who may not have the means to provide a Christmas Tree for their families any other way.
From my Family to yours...Have a Wonderful Holiday Season filled with a *Sparkling* Christmas Tree!